Welcome, I'm Aurora
"Life is a garden, not a road. We enter and exit through the same gate. Wandering, where we go matters less than what we notice." -Kurt Vonnegut
Until we are able to notice what is present in our bodies, we will remain disconnected from our potential to heal. Our current culture has conditioned us to believe if we do enough, we will get where we need to be in order to find peace. This performance based conditioning has wreaked havoc on our collective and individual nervous systems leading us down a road riddled with depression and anxiety. But life is a garden, not a road. Returning to the innate wisdom we each hold through cultivating connection to our physical bodies is something I am deeply passionate about.
My journey in the healing arts space has been unique. Beginning with a Master's degree in psychological research with roots in behaviorism, I led with a science-based approach to mental health. I received a board certification in behavior analysis (BCBA) and believed my professional future would be in a clinical practice. For years, statistical analyses and data driven results spoke loudest to the high achieving student in me. After a sharp left turn down a rabbit hole of yoga teacher trainings, I felt called to teach the practice that changed my relationship to my body. Over time, I became acquainted to deeper layers of tissues and fascia and gained a new understanding of the profound effect the physical practices of yoga and self massage had on my nervous system, and thus, my psychology. It was in one of these trainings I was introduced to Somatic Experiencing (SE). SE is a trauma healing modality that supports the nervous system in renegotiating survival based patterning often related to the things in our lives and relationships keeping us stuck. It was through training in SE that all threads of my prior education began to weave together and I witnessed clients healing and living in ways I didn't know were possible. To sit alongside another as they feel into their aliveness has been one of the greatest gifts of my life. I believe healing and restoration are possible.
For more information about Somatic Experiencing, please visit traumahealing.org.I currently see individual clients remotely, host live workshops and retreats, and support therapists though case consultations. If you are interested in working together, please fill out the contact form completely and I will reach out to you to see if somatic coaching is the right fit or if I might be able to support you in finding what you are looking for.

Training and Education
MA Psychology- Long Beach State University
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP)
Former Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-500)
Trained with Jill Miller in the Roll Model Method
Trained with Desi Bartlett in Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga
Trained with Leslie Howard in Pelvic Floor Yoga
Sacred Journey School of Herbalism with Ginger Webb (in process)